I've been cutting code for a long time. I was educated in Assembler, Pascal, and C/C++. I couldn't find local work doing that so I taught myself Access, Visual Basic, T-SQL, PL-SQL, Delphi, Java, Visual C++, and C# (WinForms, WebForms, MVC, Web API, WPF, and Silverlight). It wasn't until I really started to dive into JavaScript that programming started to feel "different".
With JavaScript you get this giggly-type high when you're sitting there in your editor with a dev server running on the other screen tinkering away and the code "just works". You can incrementally build up your application with "happy little accidents" just like a Bob Ross painting. WebPack and Babel automatically wrangled the vast conflicting standards for modules, ES versions, and such into something that actually runs on most browsers. React's virtual DOM makes screen updates snappy, MobX is managing your shared state without stringing together a range of call-backs and Promises. And there is so much out there to play with and experiment. Tens of thousands of popular packages on npm waiting to be discovered.
But those highs are separated by often lingering sessions testing your Google-fu trying to find current, relevant clues on just why the hell your particular code isn't working, or how to get that one library you'd really like to use to import properly into your ES6 code without requiring you to eject your Create-React-App application. You get to grit your teeth with irritations like when someone managing moment.js decided that add(number, period) made more sense than add(period, number) while all of the examples you'd been using had it still the other way around. Individually, these problems seem trivial, but they really add up quick when you're just trying to get over that last little hurdle between here and your next high.
JavaScript development is quite literally Crack for coders.
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