I am an XP (Extreme Programming) advocate. As a whole I've used in on one successful project, and I try to bring elements of it to any client I work for. Pair programming has to be one of the toughest elements to sell, though admittedly I don't pitch it as the most valuable one. I'm sure many XP advocates would cry foul, as pair programming a cornerstone, if not the foundation behind XP. Every other element could easily be discarded by a developer working alone, pair programming helps reinforce that the other elements are followed. I certainly do not disagree.
However, pair programming is the hardest element to get in place. Most clients have existing development teams that have never heard of pair programming and development environments that aren't set up for it. In the project I started with XP this second point was quite an obstacle. We had comfortable cubicle environments but not shaped to fit two chairs with people working side-by-side. Fortunately it was a big office and we confiscated a large meeting room, arranged the tables in a large rectangle so that 4 pairs of developers could sit side-by-side. This went on for about 3 months, but the company wanted their meeting room back, and we were also getting other teams eyeing our original cubicles.
The solution we came up with was Pair Analysis + Task Swap. Each developer was paired with another and both selected a set of stories for the iteration. The pair would sit together to scope out the tasks for all of their combined stories and discuss the approach. Then the actual development was done individually. If during implementation a developer thought a deviation was needed, then they discussed it with their pair. As a task on a story was completed, it was handed over to the other developer. Each developer would not only review the other's work, but see if there were ways to improve it, or look for other possible scenarios that hadn't been thought of, discussing together as necessary before they committed the work. This was a little painful back when working with a repository that did not support branches. Essentially developers had shares to their development folder that their pair would open to review work. Done again today with a branching repository, each task would be developed against a story branch.
From a technical perspective, how this works:
Developers A & B select one story each. (typically in an iteration they would choose 1~3 each) The development would be done on branches A & B respectively. When developer A completes his work for a task, he pings developer B for a review. Hopefully B will be finishing up a task pretty soon as well, but while waiting for something to review, developer A can continue with tasks in an unrelated section of code. Developer B reviews A's changes on Branch A, while A review's B's changes on Branch B. When both are satisfied of the changes, developer A merges the changes from Branch B and performs an integration confirmation then developer B merges from Branch A and performs the integration confirmation. After the integrations, each developer resumes working in their original branch until their story is complete. A branch only lives as long as a story. If developer B finishes all tasks of their story, developer A will have merged all changes into Trunk, so developer B will confirm the end of the story and terminate the branch. A new branch will be taken off $trunk to start the next story.
Physically during reviews there is a lot of chatter between the two developers and they'll often be at each other's desks when going over code. Sometimes one developer will find an optimization that the other hadn't thought of. There are two options available, either he can pass the task back to the original developer, or take the task on himself, and the other developer can start working on a task on the alternate story that he just finished reviewing. (Swapping stories/branches.) You can even consider encoraging developers swap branches/stories every other task or so.
This approach has trade-offs with pure pair programming. In situations where a lot of re-factoring is found, such as in cases where you're pairing up experienced developers with less experienced developers, pair programming would be more efficient. A pair working together will spot these optimizations as they're going, where this situations leads to work getting re-factored during review. However, the efficiency hit should reduce greatly as the lesser experienced developer experience and exposure to reviewing the other developer's work increases. This swapping is done at the task frequency, not story frequency, so the impact of these re-factorring should be kept quite small. The advantage of this approach is that it can easily be applied in physical environments that make pairing difficult, while maintaining most of the benefit of pair programming. (knowledge sharing, near real-time code review, and emphasis to adhere to the rest of the principles.) It's also a good lead-in to pair programming with developers that find the concept a bit alien. Hopefully it fosters an increasing amount of communication between team members, so much so that they find that the time apart is the wasteful part of the job and end up pushing their desks together themselves. :)
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